Wearing Cowboy Boots to Church

cowboy bootsI wore cowboy boots to church today.  Why?  I would not have been caught dead in them when I was growing up in Kansas.  I never even owned a pair of boots until country dancing swept the bars sometime in the 90s.  Then, as a gay man, I would not be caught dead dancing without the proper footwear for the occasion.  And I discovered that I liked the way they made me feel–masculine and sexy.  How queer that being queer would turn me on to what epitomized its opposite in my youth.

But why wear those boots to church?  Continue reading

Empty Pillow

pilloeAn introvert, I used to relish my Gay Old Soulmate’s trips away. Time alone. Quiet space lacking even the silent demand of an unspeaking partner, sitting at desks, back to back.  My introverted personality magnifies my vigilance. I sit, consciously and unconsciously aware of what I imagine the other wants or needs (while quite probably oblivious to his or her real need).  Time alone–a little gift from the circumstances to enjoy.

No longer.  I lie painfully aware of the emptiness beside me.  All the writing, computer work, and organizing I dreamed I would accomplish in his absence is not getting done. I want him in the other room.  Watching some annoying TV program.  I miss his presence upstairs.  I even push bed time back with distractions.  He will be home soon enough, and I’ll imagine I would get more done if he weren’t here.  But I am fooling myself.

I used to believe that I would never be one of those men who dies six months after his soulmate.  Now I’m not so sure.