Lent for a Queer Religious Radical

two gateway stonesWhat leads me to contemplate Lenten disciplines?  My religious heritage is Anabaptism—the radical left wing of the reformation about as far from high church as possible.  I didn’t grow up with it—indeed, my culture was suspicious of anything remotely Catholic.

My queer proclivities lean away from S&M—not that a cute guy in leather will turn me off.  It’s just that I’d prefer to take the leather off him and cuddle on the way to sensuous mutual play.

But my seminary training and syncretistic incursions of the liturgical year into my Mennonite tradition of late make me very aware that this is the time for ashes and spiritual discipline.  Continue reading

Four Themes in Gay Old Soul Living

As I become more and more a gay old soul, life’s challenges fall roughly into four themes: spirit, body, relationship, resources.



After I first came out we dreamed of a fairy godbrother circle.  A sort of gay spiritual order with its own spiritual discipline to weekly:

  • Perform one action to nurture one’s growth
  • Perform one action to promote justice for others
  • Perform one action that is outrageously gay.

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