Gay Old Soul, John Linscheid, learns a bit more each day from his Gay Old Soulmate, Ken M. White, his friends, family, and life generally. A writer and activist, John has been an author, editor, pastor, amateur artist, burger flipper, factory worker, and staff assistant in the course of his 60 plus years. Over 30 have been spent with Ken, with whom he has led workshops, made presentations, built a labyrinth, planted trees, raised stones, and sought out the company of spirited queer folk–particularly men. They were long-time fixtures at Germantown Mennonite Church (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), America’s oldest Mennonite congregation and now one of its most progressive. In 2014, the Brethren/Mennonite Council for LGBTQ Interests awarded John the first Martin Rock Award. Recently, Ken and John felt the spirit’s/Spirit’s prompting to embark on new journeys and moved to Brattleboro, Vermont. Experience places John in the mystical spectrum of both Queer and Christian spirituality. He is learning to let the body teach as much as the spirit. So the lessons continue–discovering more and more each day how to truly live his queer life.

John (far left) and Ken (left) stand next to their 30th anniversary stone with friends Charlie and Russ.