At the End of the Day

men embracing in bed

Bare chest to naked back
skin pressed hard to weary skin
one arm awkwardly squeezed
to the mattress below
the other wrapping him tight

Silence, mostly silence
we turn, reverse position
his arm now wrapping me
in duration proportionate
to the burden of the day

Sometimes hanging on
is simply hanging on
sometimes it is survival
the one reliable embrace
the world can offer

Desire to be Desired

old body figureI’ve been in this relationship nearly 30 years now. But I still check out the good looking men I see on my train ride and walk to the office each day. I fantasize about a little encounter. Would my Gay Old Soulmate object?  Maybe he’d be thrilled to see me actually try something interesting and a little risky for a change.

I’m at the age where I could use a novel adventure. But being “at the age” is just the problem. Continue reading