“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness” – Luke 4:1
When I was feverishly in love with God, full of vision, I ,too, sought the desert. I fasted, observed the hours, and even toyed (in my head) with taking vows. I probably would have if Mennonites had Benedictine communities. But our conceit was that all disciples are fervently faithful–we are, after all, a priesthood of all believers.
Infatuated, even the silliest visitations of Presence stimulated a rise in spirit. Every word in a verse fed my lust for the One I ached to ravish me. I might be hungry, but who had time to turn stones to bread, while He filled me with mysterious manna? The wealth and power of nations paled in the brilliance of my Lover’s gaze. Continue reading