Writer’s Block

wet chair

I am awake now

I cocooned myself in sheets
relishing dreams
bidding my mind drowse back
into foggy meandering.

At 9:30, I thought,
This is ridiculous,”
and pulled on yesterday’s jeans.
(I still wore yesterday’s t-shirt.)

I straightened the sheets,
pulled the covers back up,
and made the bed
into a semblance of respectability.

Soon I found myself,
left side plastered to the bedcover
head drowning in the pillow,
not curled up but definitely curved

By 10:30 I had fought myself
to the point of wandering
into the sunshine
on the cottage deck.

This is ridiculous,”
I told myself again.
I should be accomplishing something.
I must be productive.”

Re-heating the coffee from last night’s pot,
I picked up my computer
and shuffled back to the deck,
my body still complaining, “Bed!”

Instead, I turned to my chair
and plopped myself down
ready to write
ready to get something done.

I hadn’t noticed the water
ready as well,
pooled in the seat
from yesterday’s rain.

I am awake now.

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